Funding Round to Open 23 Jan 2023
The Trust has now been revitalised with additional funding associated with Contact’s Tauhara power station development and the renewal of resource consents for Contact’s Wairakei operations and is now back in business to support ecological enhancement projects in the geothermal environments of the Waikato Region.
The Wairakei Geothermal Field was initially developed for electricity generation in the 1950s. Contact took over those operations when it was established in 1996 as a State Owned Enterprise and has subsequently further developed the field. The geothermal operations at Wairakei have had a detrimental effect on the natural geothermal features at Wairakei, as well as the Waikato Awa. To mitigate those effects, Contact, the Department of Conservation of Fish and Game New Zealand established the Wairakei Environmental Mitigation Charitable Trust in 2004 to undertake environmental enhancement projects in the geothermal areas of the Waikato Region as well as the Waikato Awa. The original funding of $ 1 million was expended in 2011 and the focus of the Trust pivoted to focusing on geothermal environments. Fish and Game NZ exited the Trust at that time.
The operation of the Trust is governed by a Charitable Trust Deed in accordance with the Charitable Trusts Act 1957.